Ice Caves Apostle Islands

In the far north of Wisconsin there is a magnificent park on the shores of lake superior. The apostle islands are home to some of the most breathtaking sea caves to be found in the Midwest. With the particularly cold winter the ice coverage on lake superior reached as high as 85%. The normally inaccessible caves could now be viewed from the frozen shoreline on foot.

Ice Caves Apostle Islands

Thousands of visitors flock to the caves everyday to experience the fleeting grandeur on display. The park sees more visitors than during the peak summer days despite the negative temperatures.

With a beautiful clear day the caves beg for a close inspection and a bit of frozen spelunking.

Ice Caves Apostle IslandsIce Caves Apostle IslandsIce Caves Apostle Islands

Some of the formations were extremely delicate and required a steady hand to capture the fine detail.

Ice Caves Apostle Islands

But as the sun set the magical day on the ice was coming to a close as a mighty hunger had set in. True to Wisconsin a hearty meal and cold local brew rounded out what was a spectacular day.

Ice Caves Apostle Islands